The hospital is open for service during these hours:
- The outpatient department (OPD) is open from 08:00 - 20:00 hrs.
- The inpatient department (IPD) is open 24 hours a day
Is the hospital open to treat all diseases?
Chiwamitra Cancer Hospital is a comprehensive hospital specializing in cancer. It is open for annual health check-ups, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and heat therapy, by a team of specialist doctors with expertise in cancer treatment who are committed to holistic care focusing on the patient
How may I contact the hospital?
How should I prepare for my first visit to the hospital?
You may contact the hospital to register for services at the Medical Record Department (Registration), 1st floor, Chiwamitra Cancer Hospital, by bringing your ID card or passport on that day as well. Please make an appointment in advance and then wait for the confirmation from our staff
How should one prepare before chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy can affect life in some ways. Preparation before treatment will help relieve stress, including reducing physical and mental health effects, with the following suggestions:

- Get enough rest. Prepare the mind ready for treatment. Reduce anxiety.
- Nourish the body. Eat a healthy diet from the five groups.
- Drink plenty of water - not less than 2-3 liters per day
- If teeth have cavities or you suffer from gingivitis, you should see a dentist for treatment before beginning chemotherapy, because when undergoing chemotherapy treatment, your immunity will be low. In order to maintain dental cavity health after receiving chemotherapy, blood must be tested before dental procedures are carried out to determine the number of platelets.
- Undergo a blood test to check the body\'s readiness before chemotherapy
- Eat about 2-3 hours before receiving chemotherapy and urinate before starting to receive medication
- If you have chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or diseases that require regular medication, you must inform the treating physician
How long does chemotherapy take?
Generally, doctors will give 2-3 or more types of chemotherapy. Each session can take from 4 hours to 5 days or more, And the resting phase of each medication is different depending on the treatment plan. It cannot be determined how many times chemotherapy must be given. It depends on the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, the condition and readiness of the patient as well as their response to drugs. Therefore, it is vital for the patient to come and receive medication at every appointment for good treatment results.
How to get to the hospital?
Chiwamitra Cancer Hospital is located at:
355 Soi Niphon, Chayangkun Road, Kham Yai Subdistrict, Muang Ubon Ratchathani, 34000
Google map : https://goo.gl/maps/RcHF9hrxRcZ3FQ5VA
What is the cost of cancer treatment services?
Due to differences in response to medical care for different individuals, the medical expenses may not be the same for each individual. However, Chiwamitra Cancer Hospital will evaluate each case and inform patients of the cost before each treatment is carried out.
May patients use social security and civil servant rights (direct withdrawal)?
Chiwamitra Cancer Hospital does not have a policy to accept social security or other types of health insurance cards.
How is breast cancer screening performed?
Manual breast examination should be carried out regularly. The most suitable period is 3-10 days after the first day of menstruation.
Mammogram and ultrasound examination are standard screening methods for breast cancer that makes it possible to detect cancer even though no symptoms have been found. It allows us to check from the initial stages, which increases the chances of being cured after considering treatment, age and appropriate period of time.
A breast examination with a doctor is necessary. However, patients tend to misunderstand that if mammography and ultrasound have are already been done, there is no need for a doctor to check as well, when, in fact, a correct breast examination with a doctor is also necessary. This is because mammography and ultrasound can only detect 85-90% of the situation. The doctor will check to confirm that there are no other abnormalities, such as bleeding from the nipples or sores on the nipples. Often, abnormalities from mammography and ultrasound are not seen. A further thorough examination by a medical professional will help breast cancer screening detect more breast abnormalities.
At what age should breast cancer screening be performed?
There is no clear data from studies of Thai people about how old they should be when screened. However, according to statistics collected by the Thai Breast Cancer Study Group, it is found that Thais have an average age of around 40 years when breast cancer is first screened.
- Carry out a self-examination of the breasts at least once a month after the first day of menstruation, 3-10 days from the beginning of the menstruation.
- When aged 20-40 years, see a doctor to examine the breasts manually every 2-3 years
- Receive a mammogram and ultrasound examination every 1-2 years from the age of 40-75 years
Breast cancer can be found, can be treated, and does not always lead to death. True or false?
Although breast cancer has a relatively high mortality rate, it is considered to be a type of cancer that is better than many other types of cancer, such as pancreatic cancer or lung cancer. According to statistics from Siriraj Hospital, as many as 90% of patients who have received breast cancer treatment from stages 0, 1 and 2 have a chance of surviving for another 10, 20 or 30 years. Therefore, people at risk should seek medical advice from the outset and not be discouraged from receiving treatment.
Which symptoms indicate the danger signs of cancer and suggest that we should visit a doctor?
Danger signs of cancer that suggest we should visit a doctor:
- There is blood or abnormalities coming from the body, such as excessive vaginal discharge
- Lumps or blisters occur on the body and the grow abnormally quickly.
- Chronic lesions
- Abnormal defecation or urination, or a change from normal is noticed
- Chronic hoarseness, or coughing
- Difficulty swallowing, anorexia, weight loss
- Changes in warts, moles, or birthmarks such as abnormal growths.
How to tell the stage of cancer?
- Physical examination
- Different types of x-ray, computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), PET scan
- Blood test, urine test
- Biopsy results
- The nature of a lump found in surgery
While treating cancer with radiation, is it necessary to stay away from loved ones?
Patients can live life like normal people. Can hug their offspring. Can eat with others. Radiation only works on patients.
What are the side effects of chemotherapy?
Each patient may have different reactions to chemicals. Side effects that may occur are as follows:
- Decreased immunity
- Liver and kidney function
- Easily bruised due to low number of platelets
- Mouth ulcers
- Anemia
- Diarrhea
- Blurred vision, irritating of the eyes, hair loss, numbness of the hands and feet
Patients undergoing chemotherapy should inform the doctor about all side effects of the medication by notifying staff when receiving the medication, or before coming to receive medication next time, in order to allow medical professionals to adjust the dosage to suit each patient individually
HYPERTHERMIA: How is cancer treated with heat? What are the methods?
The treatment of cancer using heat is an increase of temperature of a specific part of a tumor by heating it to 42-43 degrees Celsius. The duration of treatment is 60 minutes per session. This level of heat causes cancer cells to lose DNA replication, causing the division of cancer cells to slow down, and hinders the repair process of the cancer cells, including inhibiting the creation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells. This results in an increased number of deaths of cancer cells. HYPERTHERMIA, therefore, is a complementary treatment for cancer combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in which normal cells are not affected by the side effects of the treatment. Cancer cells accumulate heat that weakens the cell membranes and increases the efficiency of the chemotherapy or radiation treatment
Cancer Consultation
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